A Guide on Crane Warning Devices

Nov 25, 2019


Warning devices for cranes are essential, due to their tall construction. They give a message to people nearby, those who are passing beneath the crane, and also to nearby aircraft.

Speed up Construction

The erection of sturdy high-rise structures has never been easy, as it requires a lot of manpower, time, and effort. In such a case, the use of a crane is sought. Cranes have necessary functions that assist the construction industry hugely, and have indeed become a necessity. They can lift heavy objects and move them anywhere in an instant, which can help in saving time, strength, and effort of the workers. It can also ensure their safety. However, as with any tall structures or machines, there is a possible danger that it can cause, especially to airborne traffic.

Obstruction Lights

Obstruction lights are installed to cranes to make them visible even at night. They give a signal or a warning to aircraft not to meet a possible danger. They can also help avoid collisions with other cranes or structures.

Obstruction Lights According to your Needs

The type of crane and its height are considered when choosing the correct obstruction lights. The height considers the type of obstruction light, and the type will be the basis of the number of lights to be installed. The standard level is 150 meters. If a crane is below the said level, an obstruction light is required only if its location can be a danger to air navigation. On the other hand, an obstruction light must be installed to a crane taller than 150 meters.

Red Colour Fixed Lights. These lights are installed for night use. They show a red steady burning light with a minimum intensity of 2000 candelas. For cranes that are 150 meters tall and above, they are installed close to the top and placed with at least a 50 meters gap in between. For every additional 50 meters on the crane’s height, an additional number of light must be installed.

Medium Intensity Red Colour Fixed Lights. The light on the top of a crane with a height between 90 to 150 meters indicates its height. The other lights on the crane’s jib mark its distance. These lights should be visible at every angle.

Low-Intensity Fixed Red Lights. These are used for cranes and tower cranes between 60 to 90 meters. They are usually installed on top of the crane to ensure visibility. These lights should also be visible in every direction.

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Things To Remember

Assessing the case and condition of a site is necessary to put up a crane that would be effective in use. It is also essential to consider the standards in design and installation of the obstruction lights on the crane, taking into consideration the number of obstruction lights to use, their visibility, and positions. It is also necessary to ensure that it meets the regulations of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). This is not only to operate peacefully but also to ensure safety.

Thanks to our technology nowadays, obstruction lights have improved tremendously. Now, they don’t only function as a warning or signal to avoid collisions or danger, they have become so advanced that even just a possible danger can already be detected. As a result, there is a higher level of safety precaution.