Here at D.G. Controls Ltd, we are constantly updating the technology in our beacons to make them more energy efficient. With that in mind, we have completed the process of replacing all our filament lamp beacons with LED lamp beacons.
How they work:
⚡ LED Lamps
In electronic circuits there are many types of diode, these basically allow electric current to flow through the diode in only one direction. An LED is a special type of semiconductor diode which emits light when electric current flows through it, hence the name Light Emitting Diode. The semiconductor material used to make the LED determines the colour of light emitted. In general, LED lamps are relatively easy to source.
⚡ Filament Bulbs
These are the traditional light sources which have been used for many years, however they are getting more and more difficult to source due to environmental factors. A thick metal filament inside a sealed bulb is heated up by passing electric current through it to the point where it glows. To make the filament last for as long as possible there is usually a mixture of inert gases inside the bulb.
The table below shows the difference between a traditional filament lamp and an LED lamp:

For more on our range of LED beacons:
☎ 01283 550850 📧