There are many types of beacon lamps with varying modes, however the most common modes are Static, Strobe, Rotating and Pulsing.
Here’s a quick overview of each of these modes as the mode you select for your application will not only aid increased awareness, but it will also help people to know how to react.
Static Lights:
A static light is a light that is constantly lit, also called steady lights by many. It draws awareness to its application and is commonly seen as a sign that something is safe. For example, static lights are mostly shown in the colour green, a colour people recognise as safe. The calming green colour and continuously lit light symbolize to most that it is safe to continue with your task. Although there are other instances where static lights are used, this is the most common instance you will see.
Strobe Lights:
Flashing strobe lights feature a high signalling effect through bursting white light and are widely used in warehouses and industrial facilities. This device is composed of a glass tube filled with xenon gas that helps to produce a bright flashing sequence and are ideal to use when a wide area needs covering.
Rotating Lights:
A rotating light is specially designed to provide an effective warning signal and are most commonly used on moving vehicles because of its high efficiency. This device consists of a motorised mirror which works as a reflector giving focused light that attracts attention. As always, these can be used on many different applications, but you will often see them on emergency vehicles and lorries.
Pulsing Lights:
Pulsing lights are often used in hazardous areas where due course and attention is required. The flashing light often signals caution is required. An LED pulsing light is often an ideal choice for these areas as they can withstand vibrations and shocks and continue to work normally.
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