Cranes & Safety Signals

Jun 1, 2020

Safety signals are essential when operating cranes, as they convey a message to nearby aircraft on passing through an area where a tall construction is located. The use of cranes can bring possible danger to any air flights. As a result, it is necessary to add warning signals on cranes to avoid any incidents.

Crane Safety Signals Explained

Erecting a crane is already a challenge in construction works. Today’s technology has helped to achieve a higher level of safety in the construction industry. There are so-called Obstruction Lights specially made for cranes, ready for installation in improving safety in all operations.

Obstruction Lights

An Obstruction Light is a safety signal on a crane that meets ICAO and FAA standards. Cranes are made visible at low light areas with the help of such a warning signal. It helps to avoid air collisions and other possible danger that involves cranes.

Not all cranes require the use of obstruction lights, except for cranes above 150-meters. The said level can bring troubles to air navigation, and so demands safety signals.

Obstruction lights come with various types, depending on the type of crane needing a warning signal, and its location. Determining such factors affects the number of lights to be installed on the crane.

There are the three types of obstruction warning light available for this particular application:

High-Intensity Red Colour Fixed Lights

These lights have 2000 candelas of minimum intensity, good for night use. Cranes measured 150-meters and above are to which high-intensity fixed lights were made. There must be a 50-meter gap in the installation setup. Add another set of lights in every 50-meter increased on the crane’s height.

Medium-Intensity Red Colour Fixed Lights

This is for cranes in between 90 to 150-meters in height. It must be visible at all angles when placed on top of a crane. The light will leave a mark for aircraft passing near the crane to be warned.

Low-Intensity Red Colour Fixed Lights

As its title says, these red colour fixed lights are for cranes below 90-meters and beyond 60-meters tall. It provides enough visibility in every direction for aircraft passing by.

Benefits of Crane Safety Signals

The use of beacons in the crane industry brings many advantages, not just for the business but also for surrounding traffic.


Crane safety signals are a good way to ensure safety when using cranes. There are audible signals available, however, most construction works prefer visual signals, as discussed above. Visual signals deliver more accurate warnings for people or vehicles passing by.

Final Remarks

As a conclusion, it is clear that warning beacons are of great importance in the crane industry in ensuring the safety of air navigation through safety signals.

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