The Importance of Yellow & Amber Beacons

May 16, 2022

Yellow or amber beacons are extremely important as they encourage caution in places where unexpected hazards exist.  Once you see these colours your immediate reaction is to slow down and take caution into the area you are approaching as an unexcepted situation is waiting ahead. Most commonly these are found on large, stationary or slow moving vehicles but are also found in other areas such as airports and in conjunction with a red warning symbol to warn of extra caution.

Looking at yellow and amber beacons on roads as this is the most common area they are used, as already mentioned; these are most commonly used on large and slow moving vehicles, but are also used in many other places, such as:

  •  Zebra crossings: where a pedestrian may cross the road at any given time, so caution is required at all times when approaching.
  • Road works: used to alert that there may be disruption and hazards ahead in the road.
  • On bridges and train crossing lines: often used here in conjunction with red lights to give the extra caution needed.
  • Examples of large/slow vehicle’s you may find these units on are bin lorries, recovery trucks and large load trucks.

On roads, yellow and amber lights should only be used to warn drivers of unexpected or unusual conditions, they must be used appropriately to be used to their full effect on users.