Solid State Lighting

Apr 16, 2018

 1What is Solid State Lighting?

There is a great alternative for using plasma, gas, or electrical filaments in lighting. Light-emitting diodes or LEDs are the main part of Solid-State Lighting when it comes to the source of illumination. Other types of LEDs that are now using this type of lighting are organic light-emitting diode or OLED and polymer light-emitting diode or PLED.

Originally, LEDs are meant as an indicator lamp for a radio transmitter, television sets, and clock radios. But with the constant evolution, solid-state lighting systems are now in traffic lights, street lights, parking lots lights, vehicles lights, and electronic billboards. We can find them also in flashlights, cameras, and other indoor and outdoor lighting applications.

What Does It Do?

Solid State Lighting produces visible light with less heat generation and energy dissipation. The solid-state electroluminescence releases light which is commonly known as the solid state. Using photoluminescence, light-emitting diodes transform the blue light from a solid-state device to white spectrum. A solid-state lighting device can create greater resistance to shock and vibration in comparison to incandescent lighting.

In many types of industries, solid-state lighting fixtures are replacing the standard lights. It is a new and advanced technology that is essential for continuous improvements in lighting efficiency and effectiveness. Also, it has the probability of long life usage.

Types of Solid-State Lighting Devices

– Light-Emitting Diode (LED) This semiconductor device generates light when an electric current passes. Applying a certain amount of voltage will allow the electrons to reconnect with electron holes. It releases energy called photons that is responsible for the light production.The electron and holes are within the energy bands, photon energy determines the wavelength of the light which is the reason for its colour. Different band gaps make different colours of light. Altering the composition of the light-emitting state can adjust the wavelength.

Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) This semiconductor device has flat light-emitting properties. The organic thin films between two electrodes create light when an electric current passes. Digital displays in devices such as computers, television, and mobiles phones uses OLEDs. It is the only device that can produce large area, flexible, transparent, and adjustable colour lighting panels. They also have the capabilities to provide beautiful soft dim light. Nowadays, the current development of white OLEDs is now in research to use in other solid state lighting applications.

Polymer Light-Emitting Diode (PLED) This semiconductor device is also known as polyLED uses polymer and two main families of OLED. Polymer LEDs has the capability of making a full-colour spectrum, adjustable light from bright to dim, and a long operating life. Not to mention, cheaper and simpler lighting sources.

Benefits of Solid-State Lighting

– LED lighting systems can provide three or more times the efficiency that standard lightings are producing.

– LED can last up to 50,000 hours or more.

– LEDs can be adjusted to any colour appearance.

– LED systems are safe having a low voltage that is not hot to touch.

– LED’s sizes are small enough to fit into tight spaces.

– LED does not have filaments and can stand vibrations.

– OLEDs are flat and flexible, great for specific applications.

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Technology gives us the opportunity to create more useful things. It can make our job a lot easier and lighter if we use it properly. Although it allows us to be a bit lazy at times, non-stop progress in technology is often a great news for us.

These Solid State Lighting Devices that use LEDs are the new way to light areas that need light adjustments. It can be bright or as low as needed. Using LEDs can guarantee users a long-lasting operation with effectiveness and efficiency.