Navigation Lights in Modern Society

Jun 24, 2019

Navigation lights are coloured or white devices that are used for illumination. Most commonly, these tools are found on watercraft, aircraft, spacecraft, among others. They work as visual signalling to provide awareness of status, position and heading across vessels and craft.

Powerful illumination signalling devices like navigation lights are vital during nighttime operations. They are one of the best safety measures for boats, ships, aero planes, as well as machine equipment that is operated during night time. These devices have an important role especially in terms of safety. They also assist mariners navigate channels safely and avoid submerged rocks, and shoals at the same time.

Importance of Navigation Lights Today

The society is becoming modern due to the advance changes made by technology. With new high-end vehicles and devices constantly arising, effective safety measures are also in demand. For this reason, navigation lights are being utilized by various vehicles and equipment today. Cruise vessels comprise navigation lights that enable other watercraft to become aware of the vessel and its position. This allows the vehicle to determine if there’s a possible collision or not.

In addition to that, navigation lights can also indicate if a shipping vessel is currently at anchor. For this reason, these devices have a durable design in order to withstand even the harshest conditions. Mariners mostly experience heavy rains, strong winds, and intense heat. So to remain functional throughout those conditions, navigation light manufacturers have to keep a high-standard when producing such devices.

Just like huge shipping vessels, other water transportation means like boats also need navigation lights. It is most especially when a boat operates from sunrise to sunset as well as when visibility is restricted like fog and rain. Navigation lights allow other boats to see you and be seen by you. This will also enable them to take the best and most appropriate action in order to avoid a collision.

How Do They Aid Safety?

A mariner will be able to calculate if a possible collision might occur while looking at a navigation light. Afterward, this is where particular regulations also are known as International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Seas comes in. They are also known as the Rules of the Road.

For powered boats smaller than 12 meters, you must have the following navigation lights. A single all-around white light visible from 360 degrees as far as 2 miles away. Like so, a pair of green and red sidelights that can be seen in a distance of 1 mile in 112.5-degree angle.

For a boat between 39.4 ft to 65.6 ft., the following navigation lights are needed. A single white masthead light in the front that is visible 2 miles away across 225 degrees. One white stern light at the back of the boat that has to be visible 2 miles away across 135 degrees.

Lastly, a single pair of green and red sidelights are needed. There have to be seen from one mile across 112.5 degrees. When these requirements are well followed, boats will be able to avoid collisions and other kinds of marine accidents.


In modern society, safety systems like navigation lights are strongly needed. Not only on marine vessels but as well as other areas where different kinds of vehicles, crafts, and equipment are seen. For this reason, people must become more aware of their importance in order to increase its use, therefore, increasing safety.