Loading bay lights have become an essential safety tool on loading docks far and wide making it a safer place for people and vehicles to load and unload their trailer.
Here we shall take a closer look at the three most common types of loading bay lights in further detail:
Loading Bay Traffic Lights.
This is by far the most common and safe light used in loading bays. The striking and clear colours of RED or GREEN allows for immediate attention and action where required, minimising the risk of accidents or pending danger.
This simple light has proven to be an effective solution in a loading bay environment and become a necessity rather than an option for people’s safety.
High Bay Lighting.
High bay lighting is usually the best choice for indoor applications where the ceiling is high and the area is wide. This powerful lighting solution provides a bright illumination throughout large indoor places such as warehouses, manufacturing facilities and even sports halls.
High bay lights have a wide range of lamp types and fittings available in this flexible range.
Low Bay Lighting.
Low bay lighting is typically used in areas with less vertical distance to cover. Lower installation positions require a shallower lighting angle that makes it easier to glow up vertical spaces/smaller areas.
Low bay lighting does not tend to be as powerful as high bay lighting as they are not required to light up a wide area.