Cranes & Obstruction Lighting

Apr 9, 2018

In the field of science, nothing can be created in just a snap of a finger. It is a must that you follow a certain process or a predetermined sequence of steps to be able to create or build anything. This may also be applied in the world we are living in, most especially in the field of construction and industry. Various tall infrastructures, just like large towers or buildings are not being built in just a single week or a month. In fact, it takes a lot of time and a huge amount of effort just to build one.

When these particular kinds of structures are being erected, there is a huge need of temporary cranes. This is mainly because these cranes are essential in speeding up the building process of that particular structure. In this article, we will talk more about cranes, their purpose, as well as the necessary obstruction lights necessary for them.

Tower crane

What are Cranes?

Cranes are machines, which can lift, carry, tug, pull, and do various things that are done on a large scale. In actual fact, the introduction of cranes was by the Greeks. They used the power of the beasts of load in order to set all these cranes into work. Thus making it possible for men to haul easily and lower the objects that are about 10 times their own size.

Usually, cranes are used in almost all the sectors, which may involve shipping or transportation. May it be on water or on land, it is almost impossible for men to carry out particular activities without the use of the cranes.

Cranes, truly are beneficial in the construction industry. These cranes are specifically designed for various temporary structures, which are either positioned on a vehicle that is made for a certain function of carrying the crane, or fixed onto the ground. Furthermore, the construction work can be made and completed easier with the help of this machinery.

Cranes exist in various forms, and each are tailored to their own specialised use. The size of each may range from small to tall cranes, which are useful in whatever construction jobs you want to do. Moreover, a number of cranes are also of stationary types, which may be seen solely in harbours. They are used in lifting goods from ships or in placing the goods back on.

The Importance of Cranes in Construction

Mainly, the use of cranes is for lowering and lifting various construction materials. They are also beneficial in transporting necessary construction supplies from a certain place to another. Furthermore, the construction of large buildings and structures requires a large amount of time. This is where the need of using cranes comes in. With the use of cranes, the lifting and transporting processes is much faster than manpower alone.

One type of crane that may offer the best combination of lifting and height capacity is the tower crane. They are mainly used in constructing tall buildings. Just like any other tall structures, the existence or the presence of cranes may also impose the possibility of an accident. In fact, it may be a large obstacle to air navigation. Is there a solution for this? Yes. Cranes must be installed with obstruction lights that will increase the visibility most especially at night.

Obstruction Lighting

Tower cranes that have a height of not greater than 150 meters may need obstruction lighting merely if they are identified as a significant navigational obstacle or hazard. However, if a particular tower crane is about 150 meters or higher, and isn’t nearing the aerodrome, the Civil Aviation Authority requires them to use obstruction lights.

Here are the types of obstruction lights that are used in cranes:

Low-Intensity Steady Red Lights

Cranes that are 60 to 90 meters in height are being installed with this type of obstruction light, which has a minimum luminous intensity of about 32 candelas. Furthermore, they are placed as close as possible into the highest point. Moreover, for tower cranes, they may be positioned on top of the fixed structure, for it to be visible in all directions at night.

Medium-Intensity Steady Red Lights (for cranes between 90-150 meters in height)

Cranes that are between 90 to 150 meters in height must be equipped with this type of obstruction light. The red-coloured lights must be placed on the highest point and on both ends of the crane jib. Furthermore, the lighting of it will be a sign for the height of the crane, as well as its crane jib’s radius.

Medium-Intensity Steady Red Lights (for cranes 150 meters or above in height)

This particular type of obstruction light for cranes is commonly placed or mounted as close as possible on top of the crane. It should be at a particular intermediate level that does not exceed 52 meters. Furthermore, it also has a luminous intensity of about 2000 candela.

All of these obstruction lights are usually LED based lamps due to their high brightness that is more than suitable in the increased visibility at night in comparison to some other types of lamps that others use, as well as their low maintenance. Cranes really are one of the best things in the field of construction in today’s day and age. They are beneficial in making the processes and jobs easier and faster, as long as they are marked appropriately.