Audible Warning Signals – Defeating High Noise

Nov 11, 2019

How can audible warning signals defeat high noise in a particular area? Sending a clear message to the public amid high dB levels becomes possible with the warning signals. Workers must be able to hear audible noise in spite of background noises.

The conventional siren may not be competent to overcome high noise, thus makes a louder sound to compensate. A sound dissimilar to the current setting is necessary to make a contrast noise. It’s far easier to become aware of an issue when an unfamiliar or opposing sound is heard, compared to the sound usually heard.

Private places with warning signals are more responsive to emergencies as everybody within the area will be warned quickly and clearly.

Installation of Audible Warning Beacons

Audible warning signals are commonly installed in areas where a visual warning signal is insufficient, such as industrial areas, evacuation areas, chemical plants, as well as the automotive industry. Certain environmental factors need to be considered prior to installation:

1. The ambient level of noise on the selected area.

2. Check whether the environment has a safe atmosphere and is not an explosive area.

3. The electrical supply available.

4. The IP required by the warning signal.

Warning devices are usually placed either on walls or ceilings of the working area. Before the installation process, the following input parameters should be considered:

1. Workstation’s noise field.

2. Hearing protector for the workers.

3. Worker’s hearing threshold.

4. Clinical measurements for the workers.

The Use of Audible Warning Signals on Market Areas

Audible warning signals promptly alert workers, which decreases the risk of accidents due to panic. These devices can be used almost anywhere as an additional safety measure, and are extremely effective in their ability to convey a warning message in high noise areas.

Different Types of Audible Warning Signals

Each warning signal’s sound frequency will depend on the decibel reading at a particular area. On the other hand, lower sound frequency results in higher decibel rating over further distances. Here are the best examples of warning signals that produce audible sounds:



1. Air Horns

Air horns are a good option for industrial and marine areas, or in hazardous areas. It is a non-electrical device with high dB output and low sound frequency, which is ideal for a noisy environment.

2. Electronic Sounders

In today’s market, electronic sounders are the most versatile. They offer multiple tones and decibel selections for almost every requirement.

3. Bells

Bells are suitable for daily signalling use that produces medium dB output ideal for a full range of workstations

4. Hooters

Hooters are motor-powered warning devices with horns. It renders high dB output with low sound frequency ideal for indoor and outdoor use.

5. Buzzers

This is an electro-mechanical type of warning signal in a robust construction. Buzzers produce medium/high dB output in a low sound frequency.

6. Sirens

Siren are another motor-powered device producing a unique warning sound due to its internal impeller. It can give a warning along a vast area.

The Bottom Line

To sum it up, the prime goal of an audible warning signal is to warn people that action is required, whether it be evacuation, or a fault requiring assistance on a noisy production line. Selected devices must defeat high noise to be heard by those in concern to achieve the said aim. Locations such as market areas or emergency spots must consider having even a single warning device. Click here for more information.