How Factory Automation Can Help the Manufacturing Industry

Feb 10, 2020

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The benefits of emerging technology cannot be denied when it comes to the manufacturing industry. Factory productions have improved since investments into fully automated systems have increased.

The transition towards factory automation is a hugely beneficial progression. It may demand high cost but will pay off in the long run. Automated factories become a norm thus creating new opportunities in the marketplace.

Visual and audible warning signals play an important part in assisting towards the flow within factory automation. Labourers themselves can’t easily determine if something has gone wrong in certain areas, which is why the installation of warning signals is vital. These devices have highlighted safety for over 50-years in the business industry.

Other Automation Devices within Manufacturing:

Traffic Management Signals

On-site traffic management is another thing to consider in a factory environment. No need for human intervention just automated traffic lights to maintain better control. Some use LED status signals as fire alarm warning, as well as traffic management systems.

Duplex “Wig-Wag”

This device can detect imminent danger that requires all personnel to evacuate the area. Duplex Wig-Wag lights are well known for easily catching attention, helping reduce panic and making the evacuation process much smoother.

Stacking Beacons

These are ideal for fault warnings in any production environment, ensuring minimum downtime and maximum productivity.

Factory automation is hugely beneficial to the manufacturing industry for many reasons:

1. Enhances Quality Control

Quality control issues are popular in the manufacturing industry, which slows down production and cut profits. Not dealing with the issue may result in a greater impact on those involved within the business.

Investing in automated quality control makes a huge difference in monitoring production. It brings easier and faster inspections and a smooth run of production. It also eliminates the possibility of human error.

2. Expands Production

Most manufacturers have a specific timeframe of how many items should be produced at a particular period. Did you know that an increase in production is possible even when the business is lacking resources? Automating your facilities can help.

Those devices reduce delays in reaching quotas in production. Higher production rates will be achieved once you start to automate the manufacturing process. Best results can be found at the bottom line in a day, week, or month.

3. Cuts Labour Costs

Labour cost is part of the business’s expenses, so relying on factory automation may increase profits. Many factors can affect business costs like equipment breakdowns, supply chain issues, and other things driving up costs.

Instead of human involvement, there are automatic devices as an alternative to do the job. It helps to cut the costs of production without sacrificing quality. Automated devices also speed up production volume thus increasing profits even without much human intervention.

4. Promotes Safety

There are materials in the factory unsafe for people to handle. The most possible solution is an automated device. It avoids people getting hurt due to handling highly repetitive motions. It doesn’t only ensure that the work is done quickly, but also out of harm’s way.

Some tasks can lead to hazardous conditions. For example, jobs that can wear out a human body due to heaviness, or chemicals too dangerous to touch. A technology-enriched tool can take away the stress on the workforce yet completes the job safely and precisely.

5. Relieves Specific Tasks

There are some tasks that are physically impossible to be carried out by people. In most cases, automatic devices can complete the work at ease and quickly. It’s the same with warning signals, as they can easily notify the entire workforce of an issue instead of people shouting over areas.

Most automation devices are made for a specific task to ensure better performance and effectiveness.

Final Words

To sum it up, the manufacturing industry is now evolving into something better with lesser manpower required. The investment into automation shares so many benefits, and is a huge asset within the manufacturing industry.