Beacon Installation

May 24, 2021

There are many considerations to think about when installing any type of beacon, the most important of course being that the work is carried out by qualified personnel. Further points to consider include application, orientation, mounting, maintenance and voltage drop which are noted in more detail below:


You need to consider the following points before deciding which beacon is most suitable for your application:
*Brightness – is it bright enough/is it too bright?
*Colour – is there a specifying standard which requires a specific colour?
*IP Rating – where is this being used to obtain a suitable IP rated beacon?
*Power consumption – is there enough available from the power supply?
*Mode – do you require this to be flashing/static/rotating?
*Is it different to other beacons is the area?

The sighting of the beacon should also be considered, for maximum effect and minimum interference from obstructions.

Orientation and Mounting

Beacons are normally recommended to be installed vertically, especially when used continuously i.e. dome on top, when beacons are not mounted vertically, this can affect it’s IP rating. (Although this does change for sounder, the horn must NOT be pointing upwards).

To help with installing beacons in this way, a range of L shaped brackets can be used or even a pole if mounting directly and needing it raised into a higher position.


Ensure the beacon is installed in such a way that the equipment can be accessed and opened for maintenance. If possible, choose beacons which are of a low maintenance variety – e.g. LED beacons. In some instances, preventative maintenance should be carried out, for example replacing a xenon flash tube in a strobe beacon before it fails as this could then cause damage to the circuit.

Voltage Drop – Electrical Considerations

The installation should take into account the potential for voltage drop and the effect this can have on the operation of the beacon. All cables will drop voltage especially when carrying high currents. When connecting the beacons keep the cable run from the power supply to the beacon as short as possible to minimise the voltage drop. The voltage drop can be calculated using OHMS law in order that there is still sufficient voltage at the beacon to power it.

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