What is Factory Automation & Why is it Used?

May 4, 2020

Many years ago, the desire to introduce automation into industry was simply just a dream. Automation helps the overall operation of factories and similar industries in several ways. Finishing up works could be done with the same system, even with less human participation, which is one of the hundreds of reasons why companies are now investing in factory automation.

Factory Automation Explained

Factory automation aids human operators in performing tasks with the use of innovative technologies. Computers and machines are used in the majority of operations instead of the effort of people, with the workers still having the final say on decision making. Automation is just a matter of working with ease, without totally eliminating the need for the workforce. 

It brings better outcomes as observed by most factories employing beacon technology to their operations. The results are increased production rate while cost and working hours are reduced in a big way.

Reasons Why Factory Automation Becomes Popular

Automation demands an initial investment; however, a return on investment is possible after a short period. There are good reasons why companies choose to pay extra for beacon devices

1. It increases productivity

With the help of beacon devices, the production rate is increased. There will be a better control in production that greatly affects the amount of output.

2. It reduces human effort

Fewer workforces will result in lower labour costs, which benefits the company itself. Factory automation replaces manual workings that have become an issue for people. It benefits the production, as a result.

3. It improves the level of safety

Factories can have hazardous working conditions on which automated machines are necessary to keep the workforce safer. With the use of warning signals notice can be given whenever there is an issue.

4. It enhances product quality

Sometimes higher production rates might result in inconsistent product quality, but that is not always the case. Automation promotes uniformity in the manufacturing process, unlike manual operations. The possibility of human errors could be eliminated as well.

All stages of production will be accompanied by automatic devices, from the beginning up to the end product.

5. It encourages employee value

Well-rested employees are more productive ones. The employer should consider automating aspects in a workplace to lessen the working hours. It gives value to the worker’s right to have some rest and enjoy their job even more.

Another reason is not all works can be done by people in a span of hours. Supervisors should be more considerate thereof. And beacon devices help to lighten the burden of work.

6. It eliminates routine checks

Automating operations also reduce manual routine checks within the working area. It is the supervisor’s job to perform such routine checks and so having beacon devices will turn its focus on what matters most. They can improve the working conditions without feeling bored in times of manual checking.

7. It promotes efficient work

Factory automation reduces the lead time on which benefits the production greatly. It makes companies more competitive than to other manufacturers by the increased output for future orders.

Beacon technology allows employees to focus on a particular job rather than worrying about the hazards. They shall be kept busy doing what is important in a working place.

Final Words

As a conclusion, thousands of factory industries are now employing beacon technology to their operation. They long for the automated features every beacon device has to offer. It benefits the workforce as well as the productivity rate of most manufacturers. The seven reasons why factory automation becomes common in the industry world these days are only a few of the number of reasons why it is a beneficial investment.

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