Fire Alarm Systems: Visual Warning

Mar 19, 2018

Fire is one of the most dangerous, unpredicted events that may happen anywhere. Unfortunately, fires occur every minute of every day. Even though fire can be useful, sometimes necessary (i.e. cooking, light source, etc.), it may also be our worst enemy when uncontrolled.

Moreover, fire is unquestionably a very destructive catastrophe. Not just that, the smoke it can produce can also create additional danger, not just to people, but also animals, and most importantly the environment too. Luckily, in this day and age, we have precautions in place to prevent or limit the risk of fire. With the speedy detection of fire and its proper control, an invaluable number of lives could be saved. Furthermore, a tremendous amount of money and high worth of infrastructures will not become ash.

Nowadays, the field of fire detection and prevention has improved already. In fact, warning devices or signals are being commonly used, as well as smoke detectors, in providing additional safety. One of the most valuable developments in the field of fire protection and prevention are fire alarm systems. The main purpose of fire alarm systems is to be able to detect if there are any occurrences, or early signs of fire, as well alerting people and/or authorities.fire_alarm_sticker_859e288d-7ca1-46eb-b5c0-8a04302ba023_grandeFire Alarm Systems: What are these?

A fire alarm system is actually a system, which is composed of various devices that are working all together. Its main purpose is to detect and give warning to people by means of audio and visual when emergencies like carbon monoxide, fire, and smoke are present in a certain area where it is installed. These type of warning signals or devices may activate automatically from heat and smoke detectors or alternatively, through manual activation of fire alarm devices like the pull stations or manual call points.

This particular warning device can consist of either a mountable wall sounder and visual warning device, or just a sounder / siren.

Fire alarm systems in Europe mostly sound like a siren that has alternating frequencies and may have the option to set different levels of volume.

Fire alarm systems in the UK should be tested on a regular basis to maintain compliance with regulations.

Types of Alarm Systems in Case of Fire

Upon the determination of what category of fire alarm system is required in your structure, the fire safety provider will then advise you as to what is the most appropriate type of fire alarm system for you that is available.

These systems can be broken down into these four categories:

  • Wireless systems

This works the same way as the regular system that is hard-wired. If there is a fire, it breaks a call point, if there’s a call point break, then the alarm will sound.

  • Addressable

These are actually the most modern type of systems, and each of its components has distinctive identifiers. When a system component initiates, it is already an indication that there is a fire.

  • Analogue addressable

These have constant reciprocal communication between the detectors and the control panel in the field. Each of the detection device on this type of warning device has unique addresses within the system and the control panel is capable of identifying each of the devices individually in case of fire.

  • Conventional

These are essentially switches, which are either on or off. They are not able to distinguish between the real fire and some other non-fire phenomena, which may trigger the alarm.

Recommendations for Visual Alarm Devices

cd256623c7e6ff3431b903f9f5dace63– The visual warning signal must clearly be obvious from any other warning signals used in a particular structure.

– The visual warning signal must flash at a rate that is within the range of 30 to 130 flashes every minute.

– The visual warning signals must be sufficient in number and in distribution. This is for it to be readily visible from all accessible locations all throughout the area in which they are installed under the normal levels of lighting.

– The warning signals must be provided in areas where the levels of ambient noise exceed about 90dB. And in some other areas where the hearing protection is just under normal conditions.

If you are looking for a warning device to compliment your system, check out our website: