The Advantages of LED over Xenon Strobe

Feb 6, 2017

Blog Post

From alarm systems and emergency vehicle lights to a variety of warning signal devices, lighting technology has dramatically improved over the past decades. Due to technological advances, technology has found ways to better satisfy economic and industrial preferences. Modern technology also has developed devices that are more power efficient than the traditional incandescent bulbs. Two of these are the xenon strobe and the LED.

In the 1990s, strobe lighting such as xenon strobe took the spotlight and replaced most incandescent lamps. This was the only lighting that people had to choose from for almost a hundred years, since it was invented. But today, LEDs seem to be taking the lead in the global industry and may soon also replace strobe lighting, as incandescent lamps were replaced back then.


Although some say that xenon-based strobe lights are far brighter than LED, LEDs do have a number of advantages over xenon strobes:

Power/Energy Efficiency – People consider using LEDs for this sole reason. They use around 75% less electricity than incandescent lamps and around 60% than xenon flashtubes. Although LEDs are more expensive than the traditional incandescent lamps and xenon flashtubes, they are much cheaper in the long run due to their low electricity consumption.

Longer life/Less Maintenance – LEDs last longer than any other lighting devices that can be found on the market. They have a general operational life expectancy of 50,000 hours compared to xenon flashtubes which only have 10,000 hours of continuous operation.

For example; An LED light constantly operated over a 12 hour day, would have a life expectancy of 11 years, compared to xenon flashtubes which only have 2 years.

The longer lifespan of LEDs greatly reduces maintenance costs and long-term operating costs, and therefore, is extremely cost effective.

Durability – LEDs are solid-state lighting devices that use semiconductor materials instead of electrical filaments to generate visible light. This means that LEDs are much more durable compared to incandescent and xenon flashtubes, as these lamps use filaments and are enclosed within a glass, which makes them extremely fragile and very prone to breakage. LEDs have the advantage of being resistant to shock, vibration, and any other potential damage outside.

Instant lighting – LEDs reach maximum output of brightness immediately when powered compared to xenon strobes that have a slight delay.

Controllability – Since LEDs are semiconductor devices, the light output and flash patterns can be programmed or controlled as desired. LEDs also offer a smooth, seamless dimming.

Safety and Convenience – LEDs are much more convenient and safe to use as they operate at low voltage, while xenon flashtubes require a higher voltage to ionize the gas, and should be handled with caution.

UV light/radiation from xenon flashtubes may also produce large amount of ozone which can be harmful to people, animals, and equipment.

Insects are also said to see ultraviolet light that attracts them into it. So with LED you can be worry free from those annoying insects.

As the LED has a number of advantages over xenon strobes, it also has its disadvantages – such as a lower brightness compared to xenon strobes, and the need for heat management to prevent deterioration of the LED chip which would greatly affect its operational life.

Despite these things, LED technology is continuously advancing from day to day. These technical advances continue to make them brighter and luminous. And we can hope to see more improvements in the near future.