100% Participation

Oct 3, 2024

Imagine for a moment you are a cog or gear, and that your immediate surroundings are a gearbox made up of many gears, or even simpler, think of a kid’s bike with two sprockets (you and one other) and its connecting chain. That is all to say that we do not operate in isolation, but we influence, and we are influenced by our surroundings. But we are “prickly” or have “teeth”, in order to mesh with others, and if we have missing teeth on our gear or cog, we are not 100%, we cannot properly mesh, and things begin to slip.

Good morning. I’m Jon Whiten, Managing Director of D.G. Controls Limited – Leading Light since 1967, and it is our mission to be the 1st choice supplier of Audible & Visual Warning Signals in Europe. We manufacture everything on-site in Swadlincote, taking electronic components up to packaged product, and distribute in the UK as well as all over the world.

At last quarter’s Refresh Day, I was “selected” to talk about a core principle that drives success in the Reach community: 100% participation; and, In the spirit of the subject at hand, I agreed! I must say though, the principle is not just a guideline; it’s a commitment to excellence and a pathway to achieving remarkable results. However, I want to try and expand it out further than the “ME” and into the “WE”.

What is 100% Participation?

So, what exactly does 100% participation mean? At its core, it means giving our all in every aspect of our work and life. It’s about being fully engaged, committed, and proactive in everything that we do. This principle is embedded in the Reach culture and is essential for both personal and professional growth. I’m sure that you’ll agree with me that this morning’s exercise in celebrating our “wins this quarter” only worked because we all engaged 100% in the exercise! I listened to you, you listened to me, and we both went away encouraged.

The Philosophy Behind 100% Participation

100% participation is rooted in the belief that success is a collective effort. When we commit fully, the synergy created can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Think of it like this, if you and I met in the street and I give you one £5 note, and you give me five £1 coins we both part ways no better off (unless you needed to send £5 to your nephew in the post!). In contrast if, when we meet, we have a conversation and bounce things off each other, I may well give you an idea and you give me an idea, we then both walk away richer with two ideas each!

In a similar way, the principle of 100% participation encourages us, me, to move beyond “getting by” and towards striving for excellence in every task, no matter how small.

Why is 100% Participation Important?

Why is this principle so important? When I commit to 100% participation, I am more likely to achieve my goals, both individual and collective, and go on to exceed expectations – It’s obvious really, half-baked input yields half-baked output. It fosters a culture of accountability, where I take ownership of my actions and outcomes. This level of engagement leads to higher productivity, better teamwork, and ultimately, greater success.

Real-World Example of 100% Participation

It’s a glib example but consider a sports team where every player is fully committed. The chances of winning increase significantly compared to the team where only a few players are giving their best. It’s the same in our businesses, companies that embrace 100% participation should see higher employee satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and improved overall performance. I do not believe that anyone actually comes to work to deliberately underperform, they just don’t.

On a personal level, when I “went for a little walk” from France and across Spain in 2017, you must commit 100% each day; Get up, walk for a couple of hours, breakfast, walk some more, find lodgings, eat and sleep. Repeat that 28 times and, suddenly you are 500 miles, 1.1 million steps, 1.4 Everests, down the road. There’s a Proclaimers joke in there somewhere.

Another example, we started a data project in 2022 and missed out on an award in the November – I objectively had the best, most complete, data set but missed the cut-off point where the awards were decided. I committed 100% to winning that award in 2023 and, with the whole team contributing 100%, I came away with the Overall Data Quality Award 1,000 – 2,000 SKUs. 100% team effort.

Benefits of 100% Participation

Let’s look at some benefits:

  • Increased Productivity: When everyone is fully engaged, tasks are completed more efficiently and effectively – time passes faster too.
  • Enhanced Teamwork: 100% participation encourages collaboration and support among team members. I’m privileged to sit at my desk and overhear how Lisa and Stacey or Matt and the Production team overcome small problems – only possible because they are committed and aligned with the company.
  • Personal Growth: By committing fully, we develop new skills and gain valuable experiences. Just like the “idea exchange” example earlier.
  • Achieving Goals: 100% participation ensures that everyone is in tune with the organization’s vision and mission, you just can’t not be, making it easier to achieve our collective goals. Like my walk across northern Spain.
  • Innovation and Creativity: A fully engaged team is more likely to come up with innovative solutions and creative ideas. Again, I’m seeing this every day.

Overcoming Challenges to 100% Participation

Of course, achieving 100% participation isn’t without its challenges and it is impossible to be 100% 100% of the time. Some common obstacles include lack of motivation, unclear goals, and insufficient resources, and this affects us all to a greater or lesser degree. With our teams, our role is not to force upon them 100% participation but to provide the encouragement, opportunities and environment to do so; maintaining a positive and supportive environment, providing regular feedback (something I need to work on!), and ensure that everyone understands the value of their contributions.


So, 100% participation is more than just a principle; it’s a mindset that transforms our behaviour. Just like the 100% complete gear or cog, by committing fully to our work and encouraging others to do the same, we create a culture of excellence, achieve outstanding results and things won’t skip or slip. Thank you