
Electronic Sounders

Electronic Sounders

Electronic sounders are a very commonly used audible signal as they can be multi-tone, have no moving parts and have no duty cycle making things much easier for the installer. These units are widely used as one unit can hold a variety of different tones making it...

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Motor Driven Sirens

Motor Driven Sirens

Motor driven sirens are a typical style of an audible signal. They work by the motor driving a bladed impeller, pulling in air and pushing it back out through vents to produce a whirring sound - similar to an air raid siren. These units are commonly used in remote...

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Beacon Light Sources

We are constantly updating the technology used in our beacons to make them more energy efficient. With that in mind, we have nearly completed the process of replacing all our filament lamp beacons with LED beacons. There is a global unavailability of filament bulbs as...

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Coding Principles of Beacons & Indicators

Coding Principles of Beacons & Indicators

A visual signal must be designed in such a way that anyone who sees it can recognise it and is able to react immediately to it. Colours should also contrast with other colours – and even shapes in the same area to make them distinguishable, again, so that they can be...

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Rotating Beacons

Rotating Beacons

Rotating Beacons are ideal for various applications and are a great option for when an alternative is required to a flashing or static warning signal. Applications include vehicles, such as trucks and forklifts, fire and security systems, industrial process control...

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Pulsed LED Beacons

Pulsed beacons are commonly used to warn of dangers or to signify an alarm. They work by an electronic circuit inside the beacon that controls the light source; turning it off and on constantly according to the flash rate set by the end-user, for example, 120fpm. Here...

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Modular Stacking Beacons

DG Controls Modular Stacking Beacons are suited for a range of applications but are particularly ideal for multi-status signalling applications and commonly used on machinery to draw attention to fault conditions and warning messages. The towers are easily assembled...

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Installation Accessories

Installation Accessories

There are a wide variety of installation accessories available with most sounders and beacons that help to aide greater visibility, makes general maintenance of the unit easier as it is more accessible and provides protection from nearby elements. Wall Mounted...

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Telephone Ring Initiated Beacons

Telephone Ring Initiated Beacons

Telephone ring initiated beacons are designed for applications where a visual indication is required of a telephone ringing – for example in a factory where a high ambient noise level means it is difficult to hear a ringing telephone. They are also commonly used for...

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Combined Sounder Beacons

Combined Sounder Beacons

It can often be difficult to hear an audible alarm if there is a lot of background noise. Similarly, it can be difficult to see a visual alarm in bright sunlight or if it is out of your line of sight. A combined sounder beacon addresses these problems by giving both a...

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Your Guide To Beacon Lights

Beacon lights can be found almost everywhere. They have become a part of our daily lives, but most of us are still not aware of their importance. Different types of beacon lights can each have their own unique uses. Each of these plays an important role in different...

What Can Beacons Be Used For?

  Without a doubt, new technologies are becoming a part of our every day environment. Some of them remain either perplexing, or unnoticed. Warning beacons are one of these technologies – they are bright and unmissable, but in many instances can be over looked as...

Critical Use of Beacons in Tunnels

Wouldn’t life be dull without light? We know that light is one of the most important tools for guidance – which is essential for us to see and get us safely from A to B. And now, thanks to the evolution of technology, we are also able to use light for many other...

Why is LED Better?

  Without a doubt, Light Emitting Diodes (or commonly known as LEDS) are having a boom in today’s day and age. They are becoming more and more popular as most people utilise them in their everyday lives. LEDS have proved to be by far one of the most superior...

Warning Beacons in the Rail Industry

Beacons have played an important role in safety for so many years. These safety devices are also used as a signalling tool, which are used in a number of conditions, such as guiding vehicles, marine, defensive communication, aerial navigation, rail industry, and many...

Safety and Signals – Colours Explained

  Beacons allow people to become well-aware of their surroundings. These devices deliver messages depending on their colour, position, and place and time of use. This is the very reason why it is important to know which colour of beacon is relevant for you....

Navigation Lights in Modern Society

Navigation lights are coloured or white devices that are used for illumination. Most commonly, these tools are found on watercraft, aircraft, spacecraft, among others. They work as visual signalling to provide awareness of status, position and heading across vessels...

Beacon Lights – What is their purpose?

In order to assist people in different places and numerous scenarios, beacons serve the purpose of attracting attention, warning, and making people aware. Beacons provide a notice for anyone who can see them and have different messages that guide people on what to do...

Work Zone Safety: Preventing Accidents Using Beacons

  The efficient and safe flow of traffic through the work zones is a main concern to the transportation industry, officials, the public, commercial motor carriers, and businesses. People in different sectors are now working to make work zones function much better...

IP Ratings Explained

The IP Rating System (or Ingress Protection rating) is a scale of how waterproof and airtight an item is, as specified by the International Standard IEC/EN 60529. IP ratings are made up of two numbers; the first being its protection from solid objects, and the second...

How Significant is Aviation Signal Lighting?

Communication plays a very important role in contributing to the safety required in aviation. Aircraft pilots and professional air traffic controllers may need to communicate in order to work efficiently with their job and to avoid accidents in aviation. Signalling...

Beacon Signalling Lights: Marine Industry

Mariners require better and in fact, more powerful safety measures that can keep them notified and safe in their every movement at sea. Large ships travelling into existing channels greatly needs stronger signalling lights to guide them safely along the way. Since a...

The Importance of Industrial Safety

Guides have assumed an imperative job in safety for a long time. Beacon point lights are flagging instruments which are utilized in various conditions, for example, in elevated route, guarded interchanges, marine, managing vehicles and significantly more. Concerning...

Beacons & Industrial Evolution

    Evolution is referred to as the steady development of a particular thing or item, specifically from a simple to a more multifaceted form. Furthermore, it isn’t just available or restricted to living organisms, but to the non-living things too. As a...

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Factory Automation Infrastructure

  In the manufacturing industry, the profitmaking sustainability relies very much on the production of its product. Moreover, the systems used in manufacturing are included in this aswell. Irrespective of the technology used in the process, the primary principles...

Telephone Initiated Beacons

Beacons are getting more and more popular, and are becoming a necessity in many cases. In fact, there are so many types of beacons on the market today to choose from - one of the popular types of beacons being used more and more are the telephone-initiated beacons....

Loading Bays and The Transport Industry

According to research, it has been estimated that about 25% of all warehouse and factory accidents occur in loading bay areas, which makes it one of the most dangerous places in the transport industry. This isn’t surprising if you consider the volume of traffic, as...

Audible Warning Signals And Their Benefits

With the help of technology, the prevention of incidents or accidents is made possible, including the evolution of warning signals and safety signs. These warning signals are used in an audio and visual form, and are usually found in places where there is lots of...

The Benefits of Beacons in the Construction Industry

  We use technology in our every day lives, making things easier and more efficient, without even realizing. One of those devices is the warning beacon, however, not everyone is familiar with the use of it. A beacon is a visible device that is designed to draw...

Beacons in Construction

As I’m sure you’d agree, it would be extremely difficult for us to spend a day without technology, as it is already part of our day to day living. For example, whenever we go somewhere new, we will immediately look down to our phones and open maps instead of trying on...